Simulation games are often thought to mimic our normal daily lives but that would be too boring if there aren't any interesting features to the game. Many simulation games bring a very realistic approach while some take the more...
NBA Live has been putting new versions on the market annually for many years and that's why it came as a shock to NBA Live fans when they learned the release for Live 20 was cancelled. Playing NBA Live...
Hosting a party can be stressful, not only do you have to provide delicious food and drinks, but you've also got to keep everyone entertained. If you want a quick and easy way to do that, you should check...
The concept of Virtual Reality (VR) has been around for quite some time – but the best VR hardware was not quite accessible until recently, due to its cost and usability standpoint. One of the companies now providing a strong...
Japanese culture has taken the world by storm with its major influence in the gaming market. With manga and anime video games popping off, they are all set to dominate the entertainment industry with top-notch content for gamers around...
Throwing a dice and waiting for the results is something everyone loves around the globe. Dice games have been a thing you do with family for generations, but these kinds of games don’t appeal to the young generation, but...
Developed by Konami, eFootball PES 2021 or also known as PES Mobile 2021, is the mobile version of the console soccer known as PES 2021. Konami took its award-winning gameplay from the console and ported it straight to mobile...
Bowling is a great sport that lets you perfect your skills at accuracy and control. If you want to play bowling using your mobile phone, you can do so with Bowling Crew - a fun and quirky mobile game...
Every digital game has a special feature that distinguishes it from the others that come up in the market at a given moment. For example, when it comes to FIFA, the 2020 version has new celebratory styles that make...
Get ready for an all-new game and experience Madden NFL from your mobile device. Madden NFL 21 Mobile is the newest offering from Electronic Arts in the sports gaming genre. Create and customize your character and rise to fame together...