Halo: Outpost Discovery, an uber popular Halo convention that toured in the summer of 2019 will not be touring in 2020. That has left many fans disappointed, but Halo says there are a bunch of things in the works.
They've got new games being revealed later this year. And 343 Industries has said they were pleased with how Halo Outpost turned out in 2019 and they foresee doing it again in the future.
So what's next for Halo: Outpost Discovery? Up next we're going to tell you what's in the pipeline for Halo.

Halo: Outpost Discovery Overview
In 2019, Microsoft launched Halo: Outpost Discovery experience events in the summer. The fan events in convention centers, where the characters and world of the almost two-decades-old Halo universe were brought to life.
The event is like a mini-theme park for Halo. Halo: Outpost Discovery is framed as an experience in the universe that takes place immediately after the Halo 3 events.
Outpost Exploration has been developed by the UNSC to educate and inform recruıts about the UNSC, the Covenant, and the precursors.
You will be (in the meta-narrative) one of these hired people in Halo: Outpost Exploration and can explore the place as you wish.
Halo: Outpost Discovery is one of 343 Industries' meta immersive experiences that allows Halo fans to explore the Halo universe in many unique ways, including museums, theaters, radio stations, and gameplay.
So What Will Happen Next?
The next chapter of Master Chief's saga is expected to be released as the launch title for Xbox Series X in 2020.
The launch of the Xbox Series X (though this will be a Cross-Channel Title) will be followed by Halo Infinite at the end of 2020. They plan to release the game along with the Xbox Series X between October and December 2020.
Microsoft has also announced the Holiday 2020 window. It is scheduled to launch in November, according to some reports. Over the Holiday of 2020, Halo Infinite is scheduled to release on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Windows.
Check out the Master Collection if you want to take your hands on some Halo action now.
The Launch is Still on Track
For the first time during the Xbox Series X games, Microsoft confirmed that we will see HaloInfinite Gameplay.
The Xbox Series X is still in progress and will not be delayed for any other game in the late 2020 release, not even its scheduled Halo Infinite launch title.
According to Xbox boss, Phil Spencer, in an interview with IGN, the console itself would not be released for a particular game if it was not ready.
COVID-19 Updates
The developer has disclosed in a blog post that Microsoft instructed the studio to work from home because of COVID-19 issues. Still, the team continues working remotely to provide Halo Infinite on schedule.
"We are eliminating and monitoring all the obstacles in our way but must be aware of our current limitations and recognize that the situation of coronavirus may worsen before it gets better," the blog post reads.
"Reassure everyone of us to do all that we can to further improve and deliver high-quality experiences in Halo while adapting to this modern way of life."

Halo will come to PC and console confirmed by Microsoft. It's no big surprise, since Halo: The Master Chief collection launched on PC last year, but the first Halo game to launch on PC and console at the same time is great.
But as for Halo: Outpost Discovery, you are likely to see it again in the upcoming years.