The holidays are upon us and it's time to find some of the best deals over the internet. Gamers all over the world should rejoice to know that Epic Games has something up their sleeve this Yuletide season.
Epic Games is feeling extra festive this holiday season. They are giving away loads of discounts from their roster of games and other extra special surprises for their loyal users. Register now so you don't miss out on this epic treat.
If you want to know more about the holiday surprises, find out which discounted games are up for grabs today.

What's the Deal?
The Epic Games Store has started their Christmas promotion on December 17 with discounted deals ranging from 10 percent to 75 percent off on selected games. Time to shell out those Christmas bonuses and purchase your favorite games on the Epic Games Store roster. Make sure to grab them before the promotion ends on January 7 at 11 AM ET.
To get the discount, all you need to do is to log in to the website using your username and password. Don't forget to grab several titles listed below.
Discounted Games
Epic Games Store offers a lot of discounted games up to 75% with titles such as Tropico 5 and Darkest Dungeon costing below $5 each. The popular whodunnit game Among Us is also on the roster for only $1.59 so make sure to grab the game while it is still on sale. With so many to choose from, here are our top picks.
Other popular action-adventure games such as Immortal: Fenyx Rising follows the tale of Fenyx in his quest to restore peace by defeating Typhon who has escaped his mountain prison.
Upgrade your gaming experience when playing the game by getting the Gold Edition for only $59.19 for the entirety of the promotion. You may also expand your adventures by getting the Season Pass which includes quests that have exclusive rewards.
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Death Stranding Included
Become a Viking warlord with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and join the quest in conquering Britain as you build your political will across the Northern lands. Raid your enemies and become the powerful Viking by owning the Standard Edition for only $36.51.
If you want to enhance your experience with the game, the Gold Edition is off 20% making it even more affordable at $59.19. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Edition is priced at $70.39 which includes a Season Pass filled with exclusive rewards and the Ultimate Edition of the game.
Play the outstanding Death Stranding by purchasing the game at a discounted price of $24.49. This award-winning critically-acclaimed video game from legendary creator Hideo Kojima follows Sam Bridges as he journeys through a world that is slowly consumed by the Death Stranding.
By purchasing the game, you also avail the digital book by Titan Books and several exclusive in-game items such as Gold and Silver All-Terrain Skeleton.
Surprise Offer
Wait, there are even more things to enjoy with this Christmas promotion. The Epic Games Store also offers an Epic Coupon when you sign in to your account. The coupon can be applied when purchasing games pricing at $14.99 and above is readily available upon checkout.
To get the coupon for free, simply login to your account and click on Get My Epic Coupon. You can still avail of the coupon when you download a free game or when you make your first purchase from any of the games that are selected for the promotion.
If you already have the coupon, it will be immediately applied on your next purchase from the holiday sale and you will get another $10 Epic Coupon. Do note that the $10 Epic Coupon is only for a single transaction and will expire after the holiday sale so make sure to use them now while the sale is still ongoing.
The Epic Game Store promotion does not stop there either. Every day, you get an exclusive game to download for free. Yes, for 15 days or the entire duration of the holiday sale, visit the store every day to download selected games without spending a dime. That's 15 days of free downloadable games from the store.
With free games, discount price, Epic coupons, and many more, Epic Games is truly giving us all gamers a very Merry Christmas. It's great that this video game company is making their clients holidays epic. Browse a wide selection of your favorite games and get them by using different categories to filter the games that you like.